Lesson Plans

Week Two: 
Lesson Plans, Supplementary Handouts, and Resources

Here are the Wang Wei poems students will engage with this week.

Objective: Students will understand China's Tang Dynasty to be "the Golden Age of poetry" and an era of overall creative prosperity; students will understand how to engage in literary analysis of a poem.

  • Power Point Slide Show (slides are just pictures with captions, as they will only be in the background of the lesson; the following are two example slides):

    Objective: Students will be able to identify main themes in Wang Wei's poetry (examples: reflection, nature, solitude).  

    Objective: Students will be aware of the main themes of Buddhism (examples: meditation, oneness with surroundings, pacifism) and see that the religion/philosophy exists in American culture today.

    Objective: Students will understand how to incorporate themes and style of Wang Wei's poetry into their own work; students will understand class blogging assignment and feel comfortable interacting with the media forum.